Congratulations to Leo Norris, who was nominated as Woodham Academy’s Schools’ Physicist of the Year 2023. This fantastic Award recognises the achievements of young physics students from schools across the North East.
Leo received his award (and ‘goodie’ bag) at a celebration event at Durham University’s Physics department, which was held on Tuesday 20th June. There was also an opportunity to see some of the work of the University’s physics students and hear about the journey of Dr Lucy Downes and how she came to be a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at Durham. The award was presented by Dr Lucy Downes and Professor Paula Chadwick FRAS, Head of Department for physics.
Leo’s physics teacher, Mr Scott, who nominated him, had this to say:
“Leo has shown a great aptitude for physics. His enquiring mind and hard work has seen his understanding of the subject flourish, with some top performing test results to prove it. His unwavering curiosity and superb work ethic mark him out as a particularly inquisitive student. Not content with only his timetabled lessons, Leo has gotten involved in after school science projects. He’s been a great asset to the team of students who worked on the Institute for Research in Schools project on cosmic mining using Spitzer Space Telescope images.
“Leo is a delight to teach, being both diligent and polite. Despite his academic prowess, he hasn’t a hint of arrogance. In fact, he is very willing to support other students with their science and helps foster their interest through his enthusiasm. He has been part of the Ogden Science Ambassadors programme and has helped with our Academy’s ‘Sparkies’ science club. He should rightfully be proud to be nominated as a Schools’ Physicist of the Year. Well done!”
Physicist of the Year