A photography exhibition celebrating one of Britain’s longest-running poetry reading series is set to go on display in County Durham.

The first reading as part of the Colpitts Poetry group took place in The Colpitts Hotel, in Durham City, in 1975 when Irene Spencer, the hotel’s then landlady, gave founder Richard Caddell permission to hold readings in her small back room.

Having succeeded there, with good, cheap ale and a friendly welcome, Colpitts moved on when the brewery decided the drinkers needed a snooker table. The series kept the name and since then Colpitts has brought 439 poets to Durham City in venues such as The Big Jug, The Bridge Hotel, Castle Chare Arts Centre, Durham Town Hall, Durham University, the Gala Theatre, and for the last 25 years, Alington House in North Bailey.

Events have even ranged further afield to every part of the North East, with the first spoken word event held at The Sage, in Gateshead.

Now, 45 photos by the late David M James, who wonderfully captured the atmosphere of those diverse early venues from 1975 to 1989, will go on display as part of an exhibition at the Gala Gallery, in Millennium Place, Durham City. The images not only celebrate now nationally and internationally renowned poets, experimental poets and small publishing presses, but also the local audiences who supported poetry and the arts in what were often difficult times.

Many of the photos in the exhibition also feature pubs in Durham City such as The Old George, The Colpitts Hotel, The Big Jug.

The reopening of the theatres has been carefully planned in line with guidance from Step 3 of the government’s roadmap and are not affected by the announcement to delay Step 4.

As per national guidance, face coverings will be needed while viewing the exhibition unless those attending are eating or drinking. Visitors must also maintain a safe social distance around the building and when waiting to enter the gallery.

Visitors are also reminded to follow Public Health England guidance to help prevent the spread of coronavirus by washing hands regularly, wearing face coverings and maintaining a safe space between other people.

Cllr Elizabeth Scott, Durham County Council’s Cabinet member for economy and partnerships, said: “This fantastic exhibition chronicles the many people and places associated with Colpitts Poetry since it began almost half a century ago.

“In addition to the poetry, there will be a fascinating look at the changing faces of pubs in County Durham featuring some local favourites such as the Big Jug, The Old George and The Colpitts itself.”

The exhibition is free entry and will run at Gala Gallery, Durham, from Monday 21 June until Sunday 29 August. For further information on opening times go to https://galadurham.co.uk/gala-gallery/

Any changes to current coronavirus social distancing guidelines will be clarified on the Gala website as and when they are announced.