Rather than purchasing a cut Christmas tree for Aycliffe Village green every year, the Council have taken the decision to purchase a Norway Spruce Fir which has now been planted on the green in a similar place to where the cut tree was erected in previous years.
Planting a tree is much more sustainable to the environment and will be trained each year to produce a perfect shaped tree. It would have been unlikely that a larger tree would survive, so the tree is currently approximately 5 to 6 feet tall, once the roots establish, it is hoped that it will soon develop and provide a pleasant tree for many years to come.
The main Christmas tree provided by the Town Council on Central Avenue, outside St. Clare’s Church, will remain a cut tree of a similar size to previous years. It will be erected in late November along with the Christmas lights along Central Avenue, St Cuthberts Way and into Stephenson Way.
Permanent Christmas Tree for Aycliffe Village