Dear Sir,
The purpose of the march is to highlight and protest against the growing privatisation of services within the NHS as many people are still unaware of the government’s agenda for the NHS and how healthcare is to be delivered to the public, if at all! Services are already being made unavailable in some areas.
Please visit our website for more detail or contact the organisers direct and get more imformation.
The local organiser is Joanne Land on: or phone 07739 116330 or myself on 07475 004742
It is an event that is getting bigger and bigger and is receiving national coverage.
The March for the NHS will follow the basic route of the 1936 Jarrow Crusade. It will take three weeks to cover 300 miles with 21 overnight stops.
The details of the route of the march and events associated with it in each area are on the website. GMB members will welcome the march along the route and will attend the events associated with it.
Departure from Jarrow 16th August – at 10am
Chester le Street 17/08
Ferryhill 18/08
Darlington 19/08
Many celebrities and politicians are involved, including our own MEP Judith Kirton-Darling.
Craig Farlow