PCP’s Growing our Community Project is funded by Great Aycliffe and Middridge Aycliffe Area Partnership (GAMP) and launched last October. It provides social and therapeutic activities for the local community to promote health and wellbeing.
Community activities include weekly gardening workshops at the Pioneering Care Centre and a monthly activity and lunch club takes place at Woodham Community Centre.
The gardening workshops are ideal for those who love being outdoors amongst nature. Recent work in PCP’s community garden has improved access and provided low maintenance solutions, so whatever your age or ability there’s something to enjoy and benefit from.
A horticulturist expert builds activities for each gardener to improve their health needs and to work on goals they want to achieve.
Anyone is welcome to take a look around the garden, and join in with the group on:
Mondays 10am-12noon
Wednesdays 10am-12noon
Fridays 1-3pm
PCP is also hosting a Growing Durham Network ‘Seed and Seedling Swap’ on 4 May 10am – 12 noon. Come along to the Pioneering Care Centre to find out more about the Growing our Community project. Or if you are already a budding gardener, bring along your surplus seeds and seedlings to swap with other local gardeners and organisations
This is the ideal opportunity to get ready for a productive summer of fruit, vegetables and flower cultivation and connect with like-minded gardeners to share ideas.
PCP’s mission is ‘health, wellbeing and learning for all’ and this project follows the philosophy that taking part in social activities, being active, exercising, learning and achieving is beneficial to all.
For further information pop into the Pioneering Care Centre, Carer’s Way, Newton Aycliffe DL5 4SF, call 01325 321234, email enquiries@pcp.uk.net or visit www.pcp.uk.net
PCP’s Therapeutic Community Project is Growing very Nicely