Partnership working comes in various forms and the Pioneering Care Partnership (PCP) recently supported Shaw Trust. Health and wellbeing charity, PCP, donated wooden pallets from their recent renovations to Shaw Trust. Shaw Trust is a leading employment charity, who provide education and training for those starting out and those looking to progress in their jobs.
Gayle Goldsmith, Project Development Manager, said: “As PCP’s hydrotherapy pool renovation nears the end, we had a large number of wooden pallets that we needed to dispose. Environmentally, PCP’s waste hierarchy encourages us to either ‘prevent, re-use, recycle and recover’ before we move to disposing of waste. By connecting with Shaw Trust, PCP has enabled these to be reused and recycled.”
Shaw Trust Enterprises, based in Seaham, will be repurposing these pallets by making kindling and other useful items that can be used to generate funds at their five-acre horticultural site, which works with adults with learning disabilities from across County Durham.
These funds will also support the team to grow more produce at their Seaham Garden Centre. This produce will be sold to raise funds enabling them to continue to support their activities.
This is just one step PCP have taken to protect the environment. PCP were recently awarded with the Silver Investors in the Environment award, after their application for the Bronze level exceeded expectations. This award encourages PCP to make conscious environmental choices, including repurposing and recycling, and schemes such as passenger mileage for staff, to encouraging car-sharing.
Find out more about Shaw Trust here:
Find out more about PCP, and our work here: