PCP is launching a new range of short classes covering cookery, local history and keeping fit, beginning this September. Come along to try something new!
Family Fake a Takeout
6 weeks starting Friday 11 September 3.30-5.30pm (£25 for adults, £10 for children)
Learn how to cook authentic Indian food and solve your Friday night dilemma at dinner! You will need to provide the core ingredient for your meals, whether that be meat, fish or vegetables.
Cup Cake Masterclass
6 weeks starting Thursday 10 September 1.30-3.00pm (£25)
Get better than Bake-off! Learn cake decoration and create a masterpiece before bringing it home for the family to admire. Basic materials and ingredient are provided, feel free to bring more if you want to design a showstopper!
Local History
6 weeks starting Saturday 12 September 10.00-11.30am (£20)
Come along to enjoy exploring County Durham’s role in Britain’s economic and industrial history with like-minded locals.
Flower Craft for Beginners
6 weeks starting Wednesday 9 September 1.30-3.00pm (£25)
Find your inner florist with simple yet striking flower arrangements to take home with you. Materials provided for the first week only.
All attendees will receive a free hot drink from the Mall Coffee Shop to enjoy after the session. To book your place please contact the Pioneering Care Centre on 01325 321234. Payment will be required in full prior to the class commencing. PCP reserves the right to cancel courses (providing a full refund) where there is not enough interest.
Stop press … coming soon … Cooking on a Budget, Gentle Exercise and Buggy Pushing Fitness, keep any eye out for further details in the Newton News over the coming weeks!
For further information contact the Pioneering Care Centre on 01325 321234 Email: enquiries@pcp.uk.net Website: www.pcp.uk.net or find PCP on Twitter: @PioneeringCare and Facebook: /PCPandCentre
PCP Launches New Classes for September