The Macmillan world’s biggest coffee morning is now an annual event and the Pioneering Care Partnership (PCP) will be celebrating by hosting a ‘coffee with crafts’ event at the Pioneering Care Centre.
The Coffee Morning is taking place on Friday 27 September between 10.00am – 1pm. In addition to the refreshments sold in the Mall Coffee Shop within the Centre, there will be stalls selling jewellery, knitted products, memory jars, crafts and other items.
There will also be an opportunity to see what the Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service can offer to the people in this area.
Jane Hartley PCP Chief Executive said: “The event aims to raise the profile of the Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Services based here in the Pioneering Care Centre whilst also raising money for Macmillan Cancer Support.
We are so pleased to have the Macmillan information and support centre as tenants of the Pioneering Care Centre as it offers a wide range of information on all aspects of cancer from prevention to care and is available for anyone who has been affected by cancer, patients, relatives and friends. Every penny raised at the coffee mornings will help fund more services for people affected by cancer.”
For further details contact the Pioneering Care Centre, Carers Way, Newton Aycliffe, County Durham DL5 4SF, tel: 01325 329933.
Or support us on and Twitter @PioneeringCare
PCP Joins World’s Biggest Coffee Morning