The Pioneering Care Partnership (PCP) is very proud to be one of 20, out of 420 organisations shortlisted for a GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Kings Fund Impact Award.
The GSK IMPACT Awards, run in partnership with The King’s Fund are seen as a mark of achievement in the not-for-profit sector. The award ceremony took place at the Science Museum, London in May and Carol Gaskarth, PCP Chief Executive and Lynsey Todd, Senior Programme Manager attended, pictured with one of the judges and broadcast journalist Fiona Phillips.
Although we didn’t win overall we received a donation of £3,000 and some very positive feedback praising the work of the organisation, our knowledge of local communities, our strong focus on equality and diversity and the impressive number of people we support each year.
The assessor’s specific comments about PCP:
• We understand our communities very well and have a good understanding on the health needs and data that back-up to rationale for our work
• We are good at capturing some outcome data for specific conditions and for individual projects and/or services
• The number of people we reach through the Centre and through outreach provision is impressive
• We have a strong focus on equality and diversity and use the data well
• PCPs website is great, lots of information and very accessible
• Good overall governance
• Very good ongoing partnership development
• Chief Executive with clear skills, experience, direction and drive who is extremely knowledgeable about the organisation, its position and funding mix
Carol Gaskarth, PCP Chief Executive said “We are very proud to be nationally recognised and rewarded for doing excellent work to improve people’s health. An independent assessor from GSK visited the Pioneering Care Centre and spent time talking to staff, trustees, commissioners and service users about the work of PCP. I would like to say a huge thank you to those involved and to everyone who supports our work. This award is about looking at the impact the organisation has had on the local community, all of which is down to the hard work and dedication of our staff, Trustees and volunteers.”
For further information contact the Pioneering Care Centre, tel: 01325 321234 email: website:
PCP in Top 20 for Provision of Health & Wellbeing Service