Paul Howell MP welcomed residents and councillors to two meetings so they could meet with Fornax Environmental Solutions to discuss the proposals for a specialist waste treatment facility at Merchant Park, south of Newton Aycliffe.
The meetings were convened further to Gresham House/Fornax submitting an application for the scheme to Durham County Council, on the Merchant Park site, which already has planning permission for commercial and industrial uses in place.
The meetings on Monday 14 and Tuesday 15 June enabled a wide ranging and in-depth discussion to take a place directly between local people and councillors, and Gresham/Fornax plus members of its team. A range of detailed questions covering topics such as emissions, odour and vehicle movements were asked and answered during each hour and a half session.
Paul Howell, MP for Sedgefield, said: “I had received emails registering concerns and saw on social media that residents were frustrated by the level and timing of information they had received. As an MP I have no formal role in the planning process but working with Councillor Gerald Lee I was able to engage with Fornax to deliver these information sessions. I would thank the residents who engaged for their detailed questioning and Fornax for their clear answers. I hope this has put the residents in a well informed position as formal planning proceeds.”
Gresham House/Fornax submitted the planning application for the facility to Durham County Council – the authority responsible for assessing proposals for waste treatment facilities – in April 2021 after detailed discussions had taken place with the County Council and carrying out a programme of community consultation.
Mark Roberts, Founder & Chairman of Fornax Environmental Solutions, said: “Since starting this project, we have been committed to being a good neighbour to the community. We understand that people will have questions about new development particularly when it involves unfamiliar or new technologies.
“I’d like to thank Paul Howell for facilitating these meetings, which has given our team the opportunity to answer people’s questions and provide clarity on important issues. I would also like to thank local people and Councillors for taking the time to attend and for their ongoing interest in this important proposal.
Gresham House/Fornax has a proven track record of developing a wide range of sustainable infrastructure projects contributing to carbon offsetting throughout the country. All of this helps the UK achieve its net zero carbon goals, as well as adding to the creation of a sustainable low-carbon economy.”
If the application is approved, the facility is expected to be operational in late 2022. The project will create up to 75 jobs during construction and 27 permanent jobs once the plant is fully operational. It will also provide a vital service to the NHS by treating the ever-increasing volumes of clinical waste.
The facility will be required to comply with the strict guidelines set out in law and via an environmental permit authorised and enforced by the Environment Agency, which mean there will be no harmful emissions from the site and strict monitoring will be in place. It is also anticipated that the facility will operate on a net zero carbon basis.
Geoff Hunton, Director of Merchant Anglo, said: “We’re looking forward to welcoming Gresham House/Fornax to Merchant Park as the next exciting phase of the development currently under construction.
“Fornax’s much-needed and high-quality project will deliver quality jobs and investment at Merchant Park, already the home of Hitachi and Station Place – a new £4.8m development providing industrial space for start-ups and expanding businesses.
“It’s a continuing sign of business confidence in Merchant Park, taking its place as an integral part of the wider Aycliffe Business Park, already the biggest industrial estate in the Northeast.”
A decision on the application for the proposed by Durham County Council is expected later this year.
More information can be found on the project website: