Patients visiting their local GP practice in County Durham will be navigating their way to better health this summer.
Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in County Durham are introducing a ‘Care Navigation’ initiative, which aims to ensure patients are seen more quickly, and by the right healthcare professional.
GP practice staff have received specialist training, developed by clinicians to help ensure patients are navigated through the practice and have a choice to see the most appropriate person for their healthcare needs.
This might mean that a patient is seen by a Practice Nurse, a Nurse Practitioner or a GP, depending on their needs and their personal preference. It could also be a healthcare professional in the community such as a community pharmacist.
Joseph Chandy Director of Primary Care at Durham Dales, Easington and Sedgefield CCG and North Durham CCG said: “We want patients to see the right person and to provide the right care, in the right place, at the right time as efficiently as possible.”