Dear Editor
Now that my year as Mayor has come to an end, may I, through your newspaper, thank the people of Great Aycliffe for their wonderful support and encouragement, which was most appreciated.
At the start of my year I set myself three objectives: (1) to acknowledge the marvellous people of Great Aycliffe and all that they do, (2) to raise the profile of Great Aycliffe in County Durham, and (3) to build links between the community and the companies on the Business Park.
I was Mayor through a year of remarkable progress for Great Aycliffe, with Hitachi and the new town centre just two of a large number of significant steps forward for our community. What a privilege it has been to have celebrated these amazing moments with you all!
Finally, may I especially thank the Newton News, which has reported these events and made Aycliffe’s triumphs something that we could all enjoy together.
Cllr Barbara A Clare
Past Mayor Thanks