This week Liberal Democrats councillors will propose that the Town Council does not increase this years council tax.
In the meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee Councillor Michael Stead is set to provide 20 different areas the council can look at to reduce costs. Every single proposal will protect all town council services.
Last week, Cllr Stead proposed that discounted beer in the local council run Sports Complex should not be subsidised for by Aycliffe residents. He received a majority vote for plans to review this. This is just one of dozens of suggestions made by local Lib Dems.
Cllr Michael Stead says “Charging more appropriate prices for alcohol in the Sports Complex could mean no council tax rise is needed for the town council.”
It is unclear if Labour and Independent councillors will support those Lib Dem proposals.
Another savings proposal from the Lib Dems includes cutting the cost of councillors paperwork, by thousands of pounds, by using technology and email instead of by first class post.
The Town Council is proposing a 2% increase in council tax.
Great Aycliffe has one of the highest council tax rates in the entire country.
Cllr Lyndsey Aston adds “Local Liberal Democrats feel that, in a time when residents are struggling, local residents should not see council tax rises when it isn’t necessary.”
All of the money which will be raised by the proposed Town Council increase would not be spent. It would be added to the £1 million in the Town Council’s reserves.
Cllr Stead is asking residents to write in their support for a council tax freeze to the town council and Newton News.
Photo: Councillors Lindsey Aston and Michael Stead.
Passion For Every Penny Motion