As I said last time, week commencing Monday 18th September started with Home Office Questions. This is where the Home Secretary and her ministers take questions in the same way the PM does on a Wednesday lunchtime. My question was around Police funding, and I expanded in a follow-up question to make enquiries on funding for the Fire Service too. I am concerned that the funding models used do not take enough account of the low council tax base of counties like ours where more homes pay council tax in the lower tax bands than typical across the country. The Minister has agreed to meet me to have a detailed discussion. I also spoke briefly in the debate on the UK Automotive industry where I reminded everyone that we need to consider not only the headline manufacturers but also companies like Gestamp who are in the supply chain for that industry.
Tuesday started with discussions in a Devolution Policy Committee before the APPG (All Party Parliamentary Group) for Transport meeting. After a meeting with my whip, I spent time promoting the need for the Ferryhill Station project to make progress. Next, it was the private meeting of the Transport Select Committee in the Wilson Room in Portcullis House. The committee rooms in Portcullis House are the more modern ones you may have seen on TV. They are all named after famous parliamentarians – Boothroyd, MacMillan, Thatcher and Grimond and others.
After this I headed back north as the House has now risen for what is called Conference Recess. I was back home late on Tuesday evening and Wednesday started with a catch up with the Head of Ferryhill School to discuss RAAC (Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete). Ferryhill is the most affected school in my Sedgefield Constituency with the pupils now being taught in three different locations. The Head has been delighted at the help and support they have received in difficult circumstances, and we now need to minimise the impact of the ongoing disruption to pupils’ education and I am engaging with ministers on this.
Later I had the absolute privilege of attending the installation of a Blue Plaque for John Forman in Durham. John was a founder of the Durham Miners’ Association and played a huge part in improving the lot of miners at the time. Those miners worked in atrocious conditions, and he started the process of improving them. As someone whose father and grandfather went down the mines, I am grateful for the difference people like John Forman made.
Thursday saw me at DEN (Deaf Empowerment Network) on Aycliffe Business Park. They used to be called Rare Rockets and I have visited before, but they are well worth the repeat visit. Their focus is empowerment of people with hearing issues. I am going to work with them to improve my connections with the Deaf Community and if you have similar needs or opportunities I would certainly recommend getting in touch. I then went up to the offices of Great Aycliffe Town Council as I had dug out some photos and DVD footage from when I was in the cubs and lived in Central Avenue. Talking about the cubs, I am pleased the issue around the Scout Hall continues to make positive progress. I then had a constituent surgery and later went through to Ferryhill to catch up with some traders and the local Police.
Friday started with a trip to NETPark for the launch of Business Watch which is the equivalent of Neighbourhood Watch except it’s for businesses instead of residents. The continued growth of NETPark is amazing and it was lovely to meet a number of businesses again. After this I went to prerecord a show for Aycliffe Radio which will be broadcast in a week or two.
One of my big frustrations has been the progress in improving broadband supply in the area but, on my call this week, I finally believe we are making progress and hope to see some announcements soon. I also had some feedback on the Banking Hub for Newton Aycliffe, and I understand contracts are signed and the location should be announced very soon.
The week finished with a Charity night at Chilton club where £1800 was raised for three cancer charities. Next week will see me out and about in the constituency again so, if you want to catch up, please give us a call on Aycliffe 01325 790580 or email
Parliamentary Talk 29-9-23