Another week in the constituency started on Monday 21st August with time in the office at Aycliffe before heading to Trimdon Village where I had arranged a meeting for residents, with the Police, to discuss local anti-social behaviour issues. I then took a drive around the constituency calling in at Ferryhill and Fishburn for a wander around and took the opportunity to catch up and have a few chats.
I was also very grateful to have the chance to spend time with one of my farmers who had invited me to join him as they were harvesting. It was really interesting to take a ride on his combine harvester and have details explained to me. This ranged from how the combine worked to the drilling they were doing for the next crop. I also set up more meetings with other farmers to discuss government support structures. We have some amazing farmers in the constituency and it is one of my pleasures to engage with them and the National Farmers Union to represent their interests.
As a Rotarian, I popped into the meeting at Woodham Golf Club to listen to the Mayor of Aycliffe talk to them. His charity for the year is ‘All Disabilities Matter’ and it was my pleasure to meet them afterwards, as they were also at the golf club. They have events upcoming at the Phoenix club on Friday 8th September and a golf day at the OakLeaf on Saturday 23rd September, I am sure all support is welcome.
On Wednesday 23rd August I did a pop-up surgery in Tesco where it was nice to see a few of you. I then popped into the Newton Aycliffe Youth and Community Centre where a community roadshow – organised by Great Aycliffe and Middridge Partnership and the Primary Care Partnership (PCP) – was taking place. Amongst others, it was good to see Health Watch Durham, Livin, Deaf Empowering Network, Citizens Advice County Durham, Advice in County Durham and Durham County Council. It was good to catch up with friends and a range of new people doing great work for our town and the wider community. I look forward to the next roadshow which is scheduled to return on Friday 24th November at the PCP.
It was then off to NETPark in Sedgefield for a meeting with the estate manager. NETPark really is a jewel in the crown of Co Durham and has so many exciting technology led businesses. I was back on NETPark the following day to visit one of those businesses, TekGem. TekGem are at the leading edge of their technical field, but my pleasure last week was to meet their new cohort of apprentices. This year they took on another eight, and I also met two of last year’s intake, who told me of the amazing work they were engaged in. It is fabulous to meet and try to support businesses like these, who are not only at the leading edge of their fields but make the choice to deliver fantastic opportunities for our young people. It was then off to Blackwell Golf club to talk to the Captain, whose Charity efforts for Prostate Cancer I was pleased to support last year.
Friday 25th August included a catch up on the issues at the Scout Hall, as someone who was a scout and involved when the Scout Hall was built, and the supporters association was formed, I have a particular interest in this. I met with others who are also concerned with recent events, and I have written to the Committee concerned expressing my concerns but, to date, have not had any positive response. I really hope they step back and reconsider their proposed actions and remember they are there to support scouting in the town. There has to be a way forward that is better than the current actions and I implore them to change course.
This week started with Bank Holiday Monday on 28th August and I will again be enjoying spending time in the constituency and have a number of meetings and community surgeries arranged. I will tell you more about this week’s events next week when I will be travelling back to Westminster as Parliamentary work will again resume on Monday 4th September.
As always, if you want to get in touch, you can always reach my office by phone on Aycliffe 01325 790580 or by sending an email to
Parliament Talk