Last week – Monday 14th August – started with a meeting with housing association Livin to understand their processes for both dealing with troublesome tenants and how they allocate houses to people. On Tuesday 15th August, I had a Teams meeting with the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB) to catch up on their priorities and actions. The ICB organise health and care in my Sedgefield constituency and across the North East.
It was then off to London on Wednesday 16th August where I had meetings with my London team and then the UK lead for Hitachi. I have regular meetings with Hitachi, not only because they are such an important local business but also because I sit on the Transport select committee and their input is always appreciated. On Thursday 17th August I joined the Secretary of State for Education to hear about a new Free school being announced for Teesside. Whilst the school is based outside my Sedgefield Constituency the catchment of the school reaches into my patch. The school will be called Eton Star Teesside and it provides another choice in the educational offers for our young people.
On Friday 18th August, I had a catch up with the Durham County Council team where we spoke about subjects including business rates, Investment Zones, devolution and buses. The bus issue was particularly around the removal of the X21 service that connected Aycliffe to Sedgefield, Fishburn and the Trimdons. They tell me that the Arriva data shows such low usage that they can’t justify supporting a replacement. I have asked them to reconsider. We will be promoting a survey to assess demand but if you have a view please get in touch.
By Saturday 19th August, I was back in the constituency and called in to the Community Centre at Middleton St George for their summer fair before heading to Newton Aycliffe to catch the Sports celebration in the Town Centre. I had a great chat with the team from Oakleaf Sports Complex who were promoting the indoor bowling they have, they have good numbers and are looking to develop further and, to this end, are offering taster sessions for a £1 on Saturdays from 2nd September, worth a try, they have members from 16 to 86 so no age barriers!
Next stop was with the Aycliffe and District Bus Preservation Society Display and Running Day. I remember many of these buses from my youth and would have caught the 2b in Darlington and the Eden and I appreciate the passion people have for our history, especially during this 75th Celebration Year. I have recently been reading a book written by Garry Philipson (not to be confused with Gary Philipson from BBC Radio Tees) called ‘Aycliffe and Peterlee New Towns 1946-1988’. Garry was the Managing Director of Aycliffe and Peterlee Development Corporations during 1974 to 1985. In the 5th chapter of the book – inspiringly titled ‘Aycliffe: Swords into Ploughshares’ Gary describes how Aycliffe’s function was to provide housing for the workers on the existing industrial estate which had been converted from its role as a Royal Ordnance Factory. It’s a fascinating insight into the history of Aycliffe and well worth reading.
On Sunday 20th August I watched the Lionesses take part in the World Cup Final against Spain. Although I was obviously disappointed with the result, I am extremely proud of the team and how hard they worked to get to the final in the first place! After the watching the match, I headed to Gestamp to call in at their Funday. Gestamp are one of the great businesses on our estate, their link to the University Training College (UTC) is fundamental to its success and I look forward to seeing everyone again soon.
A development during the week that surprised me was that some of the Scouts are apparently under threat to leave the Scout Centre at Bluebell Way, Newton Aycliffe. As someone who was involved in the creation of the Scout Centre many years ago, I find this strange and upsetting. I have written to the committee asking for a meeting to understand why this situation has arisen as I do not know the details.
This week, week commencing Monday 21st August, I will be having meetings and community surgeries across the constituency and hopefully will get the chance to catch up with you at one of them. On Monday evening, I was invited by William (Billy) Maughan and his dad David to observe their harvest, which has been a good one despite the rain. Billy is a beef, arable and poultry farmer and is the county chairman for the National Farmers Union (NFU) for North Riding and Durham. It was great to speak with them and to have an insight into their work and I will be catching up again with Billy and other NFU members soon to talk about the Environmental Land Management Scheme (ELMS).
If I don’t get a chance to have a chat with you this week and if there’s is anything you would like us to be aware of – you can always reach my office by phone on Aycliffe 790580 or by sending an email to
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