The week in recess gave me the opportunity for some time in the Constituency office as well as a few days rest. One of the key discussions from Whitsun recess week was an online meeting with officials from DLUHC (Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities). It’s worthwhile remembering that although Parliament is in recess, all that means is that legislation is not progressing. The civil servants are still working and that means we can still meet with them. This meeting was to share my perspective on how Levelling Up is progressing in my Sedgefield Constituency and the need for progress, I also discussed the devolution deal for the North East and the proposed investment zones. I have also drawn a question in DLUHC orals on Monday 5th June, meaning that this week I can ask the Secretary of State directly for his perspective.
Last week, during Whit week, on Tuesday 30th May, I also went to visit Pragmatic’s latest investment and development near Durham. Pragmatic are currently based on NETPark in Sedgefield and are expanding their operations and creating more well-paid jobs. They are an exciting and innovative business producing semiconductors – used in things like cars, mobile phones and computers – but in a novel way. Later that day, I also caught up with the Great British Railways Transition Team who updated me on their work and how they will proceed with, or without, legislation.
On Wednesday 31st May, I had a meeting with the North East and Cumbria ICB (Integrated Care Board) to catch up on their work and in particular to understand what they are doing to improve the particularly bad situation with NHS dentistry. I followed this with a meeting with Sue Jacques, Chief Executive of County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust, where I raised similar questions as well as a couple of issues raised in constituency surgeries.
Another issue I caught up with was the Byers Gill Solar proposal via an online seminar. Whilst I support solar power the scale of this project and its proximity to some of the villages raises concerns for me and my constituents.
An important event for me earlier in Whit week was a meeting of the local Conservative Association where my position as the Conservative Candidate for the proposed new Constituency of Newton Aycliffe and Spennymoor was confirmed. These new boundaries should get formal ratification before the summer recess and would apply to any election fought subsequently. They in no way impact my role as the Member of Parliament for the existing Sedgefield constituency.
Back to Westminster on Monday 5th June with debates on Local Government, British Nationality and Carers. There is a Ten-Minute Rule Bill to enshrine the rights of carers to be present in care homes and hospitals when needed. I will end the week at the NRG (Northern Research Group) conference in Doncaster. The NRG are particularly focused on shouting up for the north on all matters in Westminster.
As mentioned earlier during DLUHC oral questions on the afternoon of Monday 5th June, I thanked Michael Gove MP, the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, for his efforts on levelling up but stressed to him the importance of speed in reaching the communities in my Sedgefield constituency. I expressed my disappointment that during the second round several Co Durham bids were knocked out, especially mine in Newton Aycliffe and the slow progress on the Restoring Your Railway Fund bid for Ferryhill. The Secretary of State acknowledged the importance of support for the work that is anticipated for Ferryhill station and underlined that in our Sedgefield constituency Hitachi produces state-of-the-art railway investment, and how important it is to make sure that its vision is matched by the Government’s commitment. You can view the full transcript of the debate on
As always if you want me to do anything for you or you just want to talk, please get in touch either on Aycliffe 01325 790580 or email: Paul.Howell.MP@Parliament.UK
Parliament Talk