After a few days away at the start of Easter, it was back with a bang this week! Started with time in the office at Aycliffe before getting out and about to see numerous constituents. We had meetings with people in Middleton St George, Wheatley Hill (twice), Fishburn, Newton Aycliffe (five times), Sedgefield and Ferryhill (twice, one of which was a surgery). We also had our regular meetings with the leader of Durham County Council and our local Neighbourhood Police Inspector and Sergeant. During the meeting with Inspector Honeyman and Sergeant Boyd, a broad range of topics were discussed, including Business PACT (Police and Communities Together) on the Business Park, issues being faced around sentencing at Magistrates Courts and an upcoming Road Safety Initiative taking place in local schools in May.
Aycliffe meetings included constituents and businesses, but also, I had the pleasure of visiting the Veterans Hub again and calling in to Newton Aycliffe FC. The Veterans Hub continues to develop its offer and is totally inspiring for what it delivers. It was great to see the work of the Veterans Woodcraft Community Hub and, it was nice to see some of the artwork being produced. Great also to meet Wally, the therapy dog (though aren’t they all?). The Hub welcome anybody, whether veterans or not, and I would strongly encourage a visit. I will be back as soon as I have the opportunity.
It was brilliant to pop into Newton Aycliffe FC (NAFC) to meet with Allan and Peter. NAFC is a great community club and they are a big part of it and, it’s great that lots of local businesses and groups are backing them, not to mention their loyal fanbase. The football club, as everyone knows, is having a fantastic season and at the time of writing are effectively, if not yet mathematically, champions. This of course raises new problems for them in the need to attract more funds for a few ground improvements, so if you are reading this, as a local business, they would certainly welcome any sponsorship you could offer and many thanks to those that already do. Also wanted to wish the team all the best for the remaining two fixtures.
I had my normal train to London on Monday, but before leaving was able to call in and meet the fantastic people involved with the new Women in Business networking group led by local businesswoman Kerry Metcalfe of KMedia (digital marketing agency). As I discovered, this event is 100% child-friendly, appealing to mums and carers and includes monthly guest speakers. After being unable to attend business networking events due to childcare, Kerry decided to launch her own. Events are held at Little Land of Adventures in Newton Aycliffe Town Centre, with the support of owner Nikki O’Kell. It is the perfect location to let little ones play while the parents/carers focus on their business. It works because all the mums are not fazed by noisy little people, it’s their world! It was a lovely start to my week and it was great to discuss the concerns of women working in a diverse range of businesses including insurance, photography, fitness and hospitality – I hope to visit again soon. You can find out more using Kerry’s Instagram account:
It was then a quick call in the office before dashing for the train. My highlight this week will be the visit of Bill Cooksey to Westminster on Wednesday 19th. In a recent issue of the Newton News the front page showed that Bill Cooksey is to compete in the Great North Run (GNR) at the age of 102. I am a joint sponsor with Mrs Emma Lewell-Buck, the Labour MP for South Shields, of an event in Westminster celebrating the GNR and have invited Bill down to meet Mr Speaker and a number of celebrities that will be in attendance, I am sure that will be featured in next week’s edition.
In Westminster, this week the main business in the Chamber is the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill and then the Finance Bill. As a Treasury PPS (Parliamentary Private Secretary), I will therefore spend quite a bit of time in the Chamber this week.
In other business, I will have a Transport Select Committee meeting and Mark Harper MP, Secretary of State for Transport will be taking part. As a participant in the Armed Forces Parliamentary scheme, I have been invited to the equine rehearsal for the Coronation and will have the opportunity to see behind the scenes at the organisation. This should be particularly interesting – if I can stay awake – as it takes place in the early hours of the morning whilst London sleeps.
If all works to plan, I should be back in the constituency on Thursday and Friday and hope to see some of you then. Contact details as always are 01325 790580 or