As I indicated last time, my week started in Windsor at a meeting of the APPG (All Party Parliamentary Group) for Left Behind Neighbourhoods which I chair. We were taking final discussions on our enquiry into how Levelling Up will impact those in most need. We will now compile a report for Government and I will let you know when it is produced.
I was also able to join a discussion between the Social Justice Caucus (a group who are looking at tackling injustices in society) and the Chancellor, sharing their asks of him in the forthcoming budget. If you have any specifics for me to raise, then please get in touch. I met with ‘Long live the Local’ to offer my support and participated in the formation of an APPG for the North East.
It was World Book Day last week and the team promoting it had an event in Parliament. I joined and was able to pick up some books which I delivered to the Ferryhill Ambassadors on my return north. The Ferryhill Ambassadors for Community Change are children from the primary schools in Ferryhill who find out the views of other children in their community. They engage with local politicians and establish links with local and national decision makers who can help them bring about change.
The Transport Select Committee last week was focused on the Strategic Road Network. We also took representations to consider what enquiries we should add to our forward agenda. On Thursday I was able to ask the Secretary of State for Transport about progress on the Ferryhill Station bid and encourage more rolling stock orders into the procurement pipeline to help businesses like Hitachi.
Friday was a day for Private Members Bills and I spoke in two of them. The first was about the impact of domestic abuse on child maintenance payment settlements and the second was about supported housing payments where I raised the problems of absentee landlords. After speaking in these I met a number of our local Councillors who had made the journey to Westminster and I had the pleasure of showing them round, before I then jumped on the train north in time to get to the Sedgefield Mayor’s Charity Ball.
This Monday, I was at Ferryhill with the Ambassadors helping them as they spread some messages of happiness with beautiful ‘Thank You’ plaques presented to Dene Hurst and Tenlands Nursing Homes and to Supportive. The messages of happiness are an opportunity to say thank you to people and organisations in Ferryhill. This certainly brightened up a rainy Monday morning before heading to Westminster.
Supportive is a volunteer driver service, based at the Dean and Chapter Industrial Estate in Ferryhill, and the organisation provides transport to community facilities and services such as shops, hairdressers, churches, social clubs, events and day care services and also offer alternative transport provision to help people, who are unable to use public transport, visit friends and family and attend health appointments with GPs, dentists, opticians etc. The service areas include Chester-le-Street, Darlington, Derwentside, Durham, Easington, Sedgefield, Teesdale and the Wear Valley and provide services from ages 18 to 85+. Supportive are currently looking for additional volunteer drivers and can be contacted by email on or by phone on 01740 658 889.
Last week in Westminster saw the Statement on the Northern Ireland protocol. It is difficult to overstate how important this legislation is. It is so much more than dealing with the border between the UK and Eire. The EU (European Union) in particular have not fully engaged on so many other discussions whilst waiting for this and the fact that it has been negotiated collaboratively generates hope for so many more positive outcomes. This week includes a statement on small boats legislation and I would really like to see us increase our engagement with France on delivery of a long-term solution.
I am, as always, looking at visits and meetings in the Constituency so, if you want to see me, please get in touch by email to or call Aycliffe 01325 790580.
Parliament Talk