Last week was Holocaust memorial week and I had the privilege of signing the Holocaust Educational Trust – Book of Commitment on your behalf. I spent time in the Chamber for Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs) and a couple of debates but mainly it was other issues occupying my Parliamentary time. Amongst these was a call in to the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Dairy and a call with the Egg industry, learning a little more about our farmers’ challenges. As I have a racecourse at Sedgefield, I also joined a discussion on the gambling review. Thursday saw a very interesting meeting hosted by Kromek from NETPark discussing the products they supply that are so important in nuclear detection with applications that include what is happening in Ukraine. It was then a late train north on Thursday, arriving home around midnight, ready for an amazing Friday.
It started with the visit I arranged for the Prime Minister at Hitachi. It was a pleasure to show him around and he was genuinely impressed by both Hitachi and in particular all the members of the team he met. I then squeezed in a brief meeting at Siesta Coffee on the Business Park. The Prime Minister’s visit had limited my time here, so I will make sure I get back for another chat soon.
After this it was up to the Baltic at Gateshead to be present at the signing of the North East Devolution deal. This will have a profound impact on the North East economy and I hope the mechanics can be progressed as soon as possible. The deal was signed by Amanda Hopgood on behalf of Durham County Council along with the six other Council leaders and the Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and Minister for Intergovernmental Relations. Once Michael had finished this we both headed back to Newton Aycliffe where I took him to our amazing University Technical College (UTC). He met both the Chairman and Principal and was particularly impressed by the two students who showed him the facility; well done and a big thank you to Jenson and Megan.
After we left the UTC, it was off to Newton Aycliffe Youth and Community Centre where I held some surgeries. To finish a long day my wife and I had the pleasure of going to the Ferryhill Town Council Charity Burns Night Dinner. The weekend included a Conservative fundraising dinner and on Sunday morning a trip to join Fishburn Wombles; a community group who are helping to keep Fishburn free of litter and protecting the environment. Then, of course, on Monday I’m back on the train to Westminster.
The Westminster week started with Oral questions for Defence before the remaining stages of the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill. The rest of the week includes questions to the Foreign Office, The Attorney General and The Cabinet Office, along with debates on the UK Infrastructure Bank Bill and LGBT history month and the Opposition Day debate; the topics of Opposition Day debates are decided by the Leader of the official Opposition.
Outside of the Chamber in my role as a Parliamentary Private Secretary (PPS) in Treasury I shall be holding surgeries with the Economic Secretary to the Treasury. As part of the Armed Forces Parliamentary Scheme (AFPS) engagement they will visit the RAF Benevolent Fund, but I will not join them as I have conflicting Treasury meetings. I will also have meetings with the Transport Select Committee where this week we are considering the strategic road network.
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