Horndale residents are invited to a PACT Meeting on Wednesday 7th September at 6pm at Greenfield Arts & Community College. A warm welcome to all to discuss our future events up to the end of this year.
There will be a PACT Meeting to be held at Simpasture Court for Simpasture and Neville parade on Tuesday 6th September from 6-30pm to 7-30pm. PCSO Mike Crawford will be available to give updates on what’s going on in your area and answer your questions. Councillors and Partners from GATC, DCC and LIVIN will attend if available. There will be a PACT meeting to be held at Aycliffe Village Hall in conjunction with the Coffee Morning on the 10th September 2016 beginning at 10:30 to 12 noon and will operate on a DROP IN basis there will be information available of the current issues and updates on the PACT priorities. Partners and councillors from GATC, DCC and LIVIN will attend if available. PCSO Mike Crawford will be able to give updates of local issues and answer questions. Michael Crawford (7875) Police Community Support Officer Neville and Simpasture Ward Email: Michael.Crawford@ durham.pnn.police.uk