Woodham Ward
The next Woodham Ward Pact meeting will be held on Monday 4th of March at Agnew Community Centre, Morrison Close at 6pm.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Greenfield/Middridge Ward
Wednesday 6th March 6pm at Evangelical Church, Ladybower.
We urge any resident in the ward to come along and raise any concerns you may have or to catch up with the local Councillors and Neighbourhood Police Team.
The new Beat officer PC Kathryn Pudney will be at the meeting and looks forward to meet residents in the local area.
PCSO 7044 Scott Hodgson
West Ward
There will be a PACT meeting for the West Ward at Burnhill Way Church on Thursday 7th March at 6.00pm. This will be attended by the Police, and local Councillors. Everyone is welcome.
Neville Parade
A PACT Meeting will be held at Neville Parade Methodist Church on Thursday 7/3/2013 from 6-30pm to 7-30pm.
Please come along to hear about updates and have your say on local issues in an informal and friendly meeting.
PC Alan Thompson and PCSO Richard Scott are your Community Police Officers and they want to hear your views and opinions.
Councillors from Durham County Council, Great Aycliffe Town Council and Livin Representatives have been invited to attend.
Great Aycliffe Town Council Representatives, Park Wardens and Durham County Council Neighbourhood Watch Wardens will attend when available.
For more information on what’s going on your area please visit www.durham.police.uk