A Participants View

Just over 5 weeks ago an advertisement appeared in Newton News looking for over 50’s for a toning and fitness class. At that specific time my weight was 19stone 11lbs, male aged 67, 2 crooked knees, not just a pot belly more like a beach ball belly, loud snoring at night with disruptive sleep patterns.

I text Paula Gibson the coach who immediately replied to say it was ladies only. However, 1 week later Paula text again to say that I was welcome to join the group as the ladies had no objection.

My first day was tough, and I found that realistically the exercises were well beyond my capability. I was a sight for sore eyes. However, it was an hour full of encouragement, both from Paula the coach and those training with me. At the beginning I was weighed, measured and encouraged. Each exercise was explained and demonstrated by Paula and I was encouraged to do as much as my capability allowed, which I must say was very little.

Perseverance is key and I have persevered for 5 weeks. In conjunction with 1 hours gym work on Tuesday and Thursday I started a calorie counting diet. I now weigh in at 18stone 2lbs and the pot belly is almost gone. Snoring at night has significantly reduced/almost eliminated and my sleep patterns are consistent. My ability to do the exercises has improved significantly. Most of all I feel better and have set my own personal weight goals. The programme is just fantastic and varies continually. The women and men who do the programme with me each week are awesome and continually encourage.

The purpose in writing this note is to encourage all over 50s who feel knackered, like me, to start and do something about it. Paula Gibson is an outstanding coach and I always have the feeling of having my own personal coach, despite enjoying being part of a group. Nothing seems a problem for Paula. The class takes place in the boxing club down in the industrial estate and the facilities are first class. The cost per class is £2.50, yes a mere £2.50, the price of a cuppa.

The Paddy

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