Newton Aycliffe Liberal Democrats have launched a petition demanding that the Police and Crime Commissioner keeps a police station in Newton Aycliffe.
The current police station in offices at the Community Fire Station will have to close and the police have yet to find a suitable alternative site.
The previous police station in the town was sold off for development.
Local Liberal Democrats are concerned that residents are being let down by the Police and Crime Commissioner who should be making sure that the town has a proper police station and decent visible policing.
Campaigner and local resident ,Brian McAnaney, comments, “Aycliffe needs a police station and decent police provision. We are being let down by the PCC. She is spending over £1million on wages for her political office, including jobs for Labour Party members. Residents need police officers on the beat not political advisors sat in offices.”
As reported in recent editions of Newton News residents are concerned about increasing anti-social behaviour, although the Police and Crime Commissioner has said this is falling.
There are concerns that residents are simply not reporting crime any more because no action is taken. Liberal Democrats are now challenging what the police and crime Commissioner spends the police’s budgets on.
Fellow Liberal Democrat and local county and town councillor, Nev Jones, says, “Speaking to residents they are astounded at how much it is costing for the political office of our Crime Commissioner. Surely this money would be better spent making sure Newton Aycliffe has a police station and visible police on the beat? People do not feel that crime is being dealt with.”
North Aycliffe and Middridge County and Town Councillor, Michael Stead, is asking as many residents as possible to sign the petition saying, “The more residents sign our petition, the more chance we have of having the police facilities we need as a town.” The petition can be signed online at or by using your phone camera to link to the petition online using the QR code with the article.

Alternatively, completed petitions can be handed in to Newton Press reception, simply complete the form below:


Save Our Aycliffe Police Station
I believe it is imperative that the full Aycliffe Police Team of neighbourhoods and response remain in Newton Aycliffe?

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