Thank you for taking the time to read my campaign leaflet and for your illuminating comments, I am exceptionally pleased to find that you have a member who can read and write as I was beginning to wonder if you may need the help of a sacked Teaching Assistant to help you as a result of Labours education, education, education election promise made by the warmongering Tony Blair and his cronies.
As you claim to know more than any of the Newton Aycliffe electorate can I humbly attempt to answer in a coherent way your ramblings in last week’s Newton News. 1/ As a very long standing resident of Newton Aycliffe it has been my experience that the residents of this area have been calling for a cinema since at least 1964 when my family arrived here. Nothing has EVER been done by successive Labour administrations since that time apart from using taxpayers’ money to supply a DVD player and projector to show old movies in village halls and churches.
In reply to your question of when can we expect to see a cinema I am afraid that we as a Labour controlled town have missed that particular goal by a minimum of 10 years I would dispute the statement that Labour councillors have provided anything, let alone a HUGE range of theatre events. The funding put into the events mentioned was of course supplied by the ratepayer usually through GAMP and credit was as usual claimed by self-serving councillors. If the Labour group were interested in supporting events we would still have Newton Aycliffe Show, which was supported by the entire population. Oh and by the way most people would like to see it returned.
As a volunteer, I have supported the book festival by helping to make little libraries with the men’s Cree group. I have attended and enjoyed the showing of Hewing goals and indeed sat adjacent to the Newton News political correspondent, the eminent ambassador to the industrial estate John Clare. 2/ I note that Labour repLIES have answered their own question THREE retailers expressed an interest in Newton Aycliffe because of a short enquiry by our Town Council. Maybe if we had a sustained campaign promoting the benefits of our beautiful town we could attract more. Meanwhile the negative posturing of Labour repLIES ignores the arrival of Crafters Companion, Screwfix and Hitachi. 3/ Can I begin by stating that even though Arun Chandran was a long-term member of the Labour party I find myself in agreement with a high percentage of his ideas, Sometimes we disagree but as reasonable people we can discuss our differences.
Arun Chandran and I are friends and as such I would never abandon him to the baying curs of Aycliffe RepLIES who know nothing of INTEGRITY as demonstrated by their hiding behind a cowardly pseudonym FALL IN ANTI – SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR CONTINUES Whilst I am in the mood for writing in this publication can I also ask why it is that antisocial behaviour appears to be falling.
I have had reports of damaged vehicles, armed assaults, car fires, and assorted fires around the town as well as the mini moto and quad bike menace which has become a source of complaint around our town. Recently I have been receiving complaints about the poor service from the telephone query line 101 and indeed had cause to use it to report something. It took ages to get a reply after listening to Mike Barton. I had not realised that reporting crime through this number costs the caller. No wonder RECORDED crime is falling I suspect it is because It is difficult to report a crime.
KEN ROBSON: Tel 01325 321471