Newton Aycliffe Dog Training Clubs’ first Open Day on Saturday 27th August was a great success, the sun shone and people with their dogs visited our new training field. BTS Fabrications are amazing supporters of our club. After discussions instigated by their Production Manager, Abigail Craft, they agreed to the club using the field for training sessions and workshops.
Lesley and Sonya are excited for the future of the club, and the increased scope for training the use of the field gives. The community has really come together to get the field ready, the hard work clearing rubbish and cutting back the undergrowth by club members and BTS employees, with Raisco Ltd., kindly levelling the ground for vehicle access on the day. A massive thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of the day, so many fabulous people, too many to mention everyone here.
Thank you to everyone who supported the Open Day, especially our club members who worked all day to ensure everyone had a great time. Phil and Marcia, owners of BTS Fabrications, our MP, Paul Howell, and the Deputy Mayor, Nev Jones and Councillor Joanne Jones, for attending and opening the proceedings. We were thrilled with the number of people who supported us by donating raffle and tombola prizes, the steady flow of people who came on the day, and the participation in the ‘Have a Go’ rings was fabulous. The ‘Fastest Recall’ did not stop all day it was so popular. There was a lovely, relaxed atmosphere all afternoon, with plenty of space for people to sit with their dogs, have an ice-cream and watch the proceedings. Julia Folland came and entertained the crowd with her dogs, doing ‘Heelwork to Music’ routines. Laura Dixon of Pure Dog Training came and gave a scent work display, this had people transfixed, and delighted with how clever the dogs are.
The Newton Aycliffe Dog Training Club were very happy to give a taster of the activities the dog owning community can take part in and enjoy with their dogs. Contact for information on training and socialisation.
Open Day Success
![Open Day Success](