Pet Pride Dog Grooming Services, welcome a new member to the grooming team. when Robbie’s husband Barry passed his grooming certificates at Houghall College.
Barry decided he could have taken on the dogs that Robbie had to postpone during last summer when she was unable to work because of illness. He is already proficient in hand stripping his own Wire Fox Terrier Millie, with which he has won many prizes at local shows. He qualified for Crufts, and placed her 5th out of 9 dogs.
Barry decided to learn the trade and enrolled at Houghall College last October and has passed both courses with flying colours. “I found it quite a challenge going back to school at my age, but discovered that I enjoyed grooming the whole range of dogs, and am looking forward to working with them as a full time occupation’.
Pet Pride offer a full range of clipping, bathing, nail clipping and of course hand stripping in our special dog room. We do a collection and delivery service for those unable to get to us and will do home visits if required, all at competitive rates. Anyone is welcome to come and visit our facilities and see both of us in action. Just give us a call. Contact us on 01325 315215, or mobile numbers 07903 996649 – Robbie and 07983 956665 – Barry.
Old Dog, New Tricks