It is with great sadness that the members and staff of Great Aycliffe Town Council records the passing of Councillor Bob Fleming on Monday 10th July, 2023.
Bob served the Town Council with distinction for some 36 years, having been elected to the Council in 1987. He was awarded the rare honour of Freeman of the Town 2015 for his long service, outstanding achievement and relentless support for the local community.
He was Leader of the Town Council Labour Group and Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee for many years, also serving on numerous occasions as Chairman of its individual sub-committees and working groups, working hard to provide and protect the facilities, events and services enjoyed by the residents of the parish of Great Aycliffe, along with being a champion for its green and pleasant environment. His financial knowledge was also very highly respected and helped steer the Council through many a challenging budget.
His achievements over the years are too numerous to mention here, but many residents will remember him for the quiet but effective assistance he gave to all those who approached him for help. Many Town Councillors also have Bob to thank for mentoring them and helping get to grips with their roles and Council protocols.
Bob also served as a member of Durham County Council and eventually also became Leader of Sedgefield Borough Council, helping to secure substantial Local Improvement Programme monies for Great Aycliffe, which resulted in significant investment in parks and play areas.
He had a long teaching career, completing his career as Headteacher. His commitment to education continued however, and he was Chair of Governors for Greenfield School, Woodham Comprehensive and Woodham Burn Primary Schools for many years.
Bob also had a distinguished military career, initially in the British Army then, in later years, in the Territorial Army, rising to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. He commanded a Durham Light Infantry Battalion which, with army reorganisations, became the 7th Battalion the Light Infantry. The DLI motto is ‘Faithful’, one word which sums Bob up.
The many people who met or worked with Bob over many years will remember him for his love for his family, his fondness for fishing and his garden, his strong commitment to his social beliefs, his dignified and courteous manner, but also for his approachability and wonderful sense of humour. His kindness, strength and wisdom will be greatly missed and always remembered.
Town Council Clerk Dan Austin commented “I had the pleasure of working closely with Bob for more than 20 years, going back to my early career at Sedgefield Borough Council. He was somebody whom I had the utmost respect for – hugely knowledgeable and wise, a master politician, calm, dignified, softly spoken, tough when he needed to be, a strong leader and, above all, a gentleman. I am truly saddened by his passing and will dearly miss his sage advice, stories, and encyclopaedic knowledge of all things Great Aycliffe Town Council.”
Funeral details to follow.



Freeman of Newton Aycliffe
“A truly inspirational man”

Dear friends, neighbours and residents of Great Aycliffe….
We have lost a great man but his legacy is forever recorded in history.
What a privilege it was to know him and learn from him. I am so grateful for the love, wisdom and knowledge he shared with me. Not just his council knowledge but his colourful history, spanning almost a century.
He had a great sense of humour too and told some amazing stories about his life. What a multi-talented man. Army Lieutenant-Colonel, Head Teacher, Leader of multiple towns, Freeman of Great Aycliffe.
We shared a passion for fishing and golf and I know he was good enough to be an army marksman and shoot at Bisley. I was pleased I got to say goodbye to him last week and meet his Great Granddaughter, Ellie. I also met his Sister from Marton the previous week and we chatted outside, in Bob’s lovely summer house.
What a happy way to close a chapter in life.
I will probably need a stiff whisky at Bob’s farewell (if the family wish to invite us). But I see it as a celebration of an amazing life and very special person.
He has, like the Queen, outlived most of his contemporaries, incredible longevity.
Greatness is an often overused word but in many ways Bob (was/is) a legend in County Durham, from his roots in Spennymoor, to meeting the Queen and being in regular contact with Tony Blair. I will miss him dearly but have many fond memories. Two years with Bob was like a university education with my favourite Grandfather.
God bless him, at peace now.
Special thoughts to his family.
Tony Armstrong