As you may recall, last year most of our town’s Care and Nursing Homes made a Scarecrow of whatever design they liked. Great Aycliffe Pastoral Team start their Harvest Services in all seven of our Care and Nursing homes from Monday September 16th, starting at Rose Lodge, to the 30th of September, finishing at Lindisfarne Home. Anyone is more than welcome to come along to these services, dates and times are listed below.
Would all Nursing Homes please submit their photographs to Newton News before the end of September. Votes can be sent to my mobile with a message of Nursing Home Name, and Scarecrow Name. Thank you.
Monday Sept 16th, Rose Lodge, 11am.
Wednesday Sept 18th, St. Clare’s Court, 2pm.
Friday Sept 20th, Defoe Court, 11am.
Monday Sept 23rd Bethany Home and Day Care, 11am.
Wednesday Sept 25th, Aycliffe Home, 11am.
Friday Sept 27th, Woodham Grange Home, 11am.
Monday Sept 30th, Lindisfarne Home, 11am.
All homes have the same service consisting of some hymns, a prayer and reading and most take their communion OR have a blessing.
Gordon, our church organist, comes along to play some music that the residents can sing along to, before and after each service.
Each home also make a box up of tinned goods for the Local Food Bank, which is greatly appreciated.
Please do try and remember our residents in these homes as some have no visitor’s at all.
More details available from Pam Lovelass on 07779 942347.