Dear Sir,

I was walking back from the town centre, along Stephenson Way with my Husband on Thursday 4th March, when coming towards us, and travelling at great speed, was a youth on a bike. He very nearly ran into my husband.

On passing him, my husband, who is 80 years old with a heart condition, was greatly agitated and called after the youth “you stupid idiot, you nearly hit me.”

The youth called back with some expletives.

My husband turned quickly to face the youth, who, by this time, was some distance away. My husband, at the time, had a heavy bag on his shoulder, lost his balance and fell to the pavement, badly gashing the side of his head. Two young women came to help me get my husband back to his feet, for which I thank them so much.

My husband had to attend A&E in Darlington Hospital where he had staples put in the side of his head.

This problem with bikes on pavements is getting worse. I am sure the police should be dealing with this as many people are experiencing this issue.

Mrs J McNeal