Dear Sir,
A few weeks ago I spent a couple of hours in the company of Town and County Councillor Neville Jones as we took the time to walk our ward litter picking and taking photographs of any repairs that needed documenting before reporting to the appropriate officers for their attention.
The litter pick was both satisfying and productive as we were able to fill two sacks with miscellaneous rubbish, that some, less than considerate people of the community, decided it looked better dumped on the pavement and grass verges rather than the bins where it belongs.
On our amble through various streets and alley ways we were able to record a number of low roadside fences that were damaged or in some cases missing altogether, however after our latest tour of the ward we can report that most, if not all, of the damage has been rectified and the necessary repairs carried out.
Residents are the eyes and ears of our community and with all the best will in the world we won’t be able to see first hand every problem or issue that needs our attention, but both Cllr Jones and I will do everything we can to respond to those brought to our attention. We may not be able to personally rectify the problem, but we will do everything in our power to ensure the appropriate departments are made aware of the situation, and do our best to keep everyone informed of any progress being made.
Cllrs Hawkins & Jones
Not Sitting on the Fence . . .