Northumbrian Water has announced plans to reduce water bills by up to 14% for all customers in its drive to offer ‘world class’ customer service to the whole of the region.
Customers will not have to wait five years to receive the benefits of these changes – they will begin with large cuts in 2020 with customers’ right across the north east seeing a 10% cut in their water bills and a 12% cut to their sewerage bills.
These reductions will extend to 12% and 14% by 2024/25, meaning even more savings for customers.
As well as receiving a discount to their bills, customers will also benefit from a £36 million investment in the company’s customer service systems and digital platforms.
This will mean less time waiting on the phone for people and improved, simpler and more consistent communications with the company.
The announcements come from the water company’s 2020 – 2025 business plan that was submitted to OFWAT this week and is part of the company’s aim to give an unrivalled customer experience to the people and communities it serves.
More than 400,000 customers, around 10%, were directly involved in the creating of the company’s plan and Northumbrian Water are hoping to build on that unprecedented level of customer participation by promising that every single customer will have the chance to engage with the company by 2025.
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Northumbrian Water Plans To Cut Water Bills