Sedgefield Water Polo Club would like to congratulate Kyle Alderson, age 14, on representing the North East U16 boys at the Inter Regional Competition, held at Millfield School, Street, Somerset over the weekend of 2nd and 3rd July. This is a national competition whereby 10 regions of the UK, including Scotland and Ireland, compete against each other to show they are the best in the country. Unfortunately, the team had some tough competition and lost their group games – but have learnt some valuable lessons on what needs to be improved upon before their next tournament in summer 2024. Kyle was delighted to be awarded the ‘Most Valuable Player’ award for the team; more so because he was playing a year ahead of his age group and one of the youngest in the team. This award is nominated by the head coaches from the other teams.
Kyle, a student at Woodham Academy, has played water polo since he was just 6 years old and now trains for 9 hours a week at Sedgefield Water Polo Club. He enjoys playing as part of a team as well as maintaining his fitness and meeting new friends.
In addition to Junior and Senior sessions, the club now offer a beginner session on a Saturday afternoon for those wishing to try this fun and exciting sport. All sessions need to be booked in advance so please check our website for further info and joining instructions; Contact us: 07579 030 598 /
North East Representation for Kyle