“It takes a village to raise a child” goes the proverb. We believe that to be true and equally being part of a community means helping more than just our own children.
Not all the children of this area are lucky enough to have been introduced to wonderful books at an early age. Not every child gets a bedtime story, or has the opportunity to take that step into another world of fabulous characters or unforgettable adventures. Sadly, for many thousands of children who struggle with reading, that door remains firmly closed – and success in life can be severely restricted.
We find that sad, especially as a region with some high levels of deprivation and high unemployment rates the future for some children will be challenging in itself. It’s also really important as reading for pleasure is a recognised indicator of future academic success, more important than wealth or social background.
Beanstalk is looking for volunteers in Peterlee, Sunderland, Middlesbrough, Redcar and Cleveland and across County Durham. We have more than 30 children across these areas who would benefit greatly from additional one-to-one support we just need to find the right people to do that.
Like you, we know that life is better when everyone can read well and express themselves with confidence. We also know that teachers are doing their very best and understand that there isn’t always time in school for teachers and teaching assistants to provide continual one-to-one support. Some children just need more time with an adult.
If you have a little time to spare each week, we will provide you with everything you need from support to resources so that you can make a significant difference to the reading ability of children in your local area.
Beanstalk Trained Reading Helpers work with children, giving them their full attention and support to improve reading levels, increase overall confidence and inspire a lifelong love of books. With that support, a child’s approach to learning and enjoying reading is often transformed.
If you think you could help children in your local community discover the joy of books then Beanstalk would love to hear from you. Telephone us on 01325 315040 or visit www.beanstalkcharity.org.uk
No Bigger Gift Than That of Time to Read & Listen