A few weeks ago, at the regular Business Park Networking Event, a chance remark from Pat Chambers of the NHS Foundation Trust to Rotary Newton Aycliffe members resulted in partnership working, that has exceeded all expectations.
Pat informed us, “The Trust are in need of knitted items and, in particular, hand muffs crafted with toggles, buttons and other decorations which are of exceptional use to dementia patients and those in medical care. The extra decor on the muffs keeps their hands busy and occupied when they are, perhaps, receiving treatment which, without a distraction, might otherwise cause distress.”
Up stepped long time Newton Aycliffe resident Mary Bell with a bag full of handmade goods. She is an avid crafter with a particular talent for crochet work and this is where Rotary was able to help. With a donation of wool from its charitable funds, Mary has continued her work and, today, along with Rotary Vice-President, Ruth Dawson, another batch of crocheted goods was handed to Pat who was delighted with the results, stating that such assistance to patients is immeasurable. A great result with more to come.
Photo left to right: Mary Bell, Pat Chambers and Ruth Dawson.