Aycliffe author, Steven Corner, has published the sequel to his first book, ‘A Dream from the Somme’. The new book, entitled, ‘The Whispering Pegasus’ is for lovers of horseracing and people who would go to any lengths to get their hands on National Hunt’s probable, greatest ever steeplechasing horse ranking alongside Red Rum, Arkle and Desert Orchid.
Former England football captain Steve Brennan owns the horse and needs the help of his ex SAS brother, John Brennan, to safeguard his prize possession. The blade’s military training is tested to the full in the book that takes readers through the highs and lows of owning race horses with an unexpected twist in the tale from his first book.
This is Steven’s second novel and is based on his passion for National Hunt Racing. In this book he tries to capture the pride, joy, disappointment, and sometimes sadness of owning, training and following steeplechasing horses.
Steven Corner is an electrical engineering lecturer at Darlington College, and also a Royal Marines Commando trained Army Reservist in his spare time.
Currently, there is no race horse in training that bears the unique name of ‘The Whispering Pegasus’, and the author has contacted the offices of illustrious jump trainer, JonJo O’Neil, to inquire if one of their future ‘jump stars’ will be given the name of ‘The Whispering Pegasus’. JonJo O’Neil Racing is backed by the wealthy construction magnet, JP McManus and retains the services of 19 times champion jump jockey, AP McCoy. The author’s real question is : can the eventual real horse match the deeds of his fictional horse?
Mr Corner has contacted Coral Racing and requested odds that a horse, bearing the name of ‘The Whispering Pegasus’, will win the Aintree Grand National within the next 10 years. Corals have accepted the bet at odds of 200/1, and Mr Corner has placed a stake of £20 on the bet. The betting slip is now in a frame hanging on a wall in the author’s house. Time will only tell if his dream comes true.
The paperback and eBook are now available from www.lulu.com book publishers. Enjoy your reading.
Newtonian Publishes Second Book