A LEUKAEMIA sufferer who founded a support group on our town for people affected by cancer has received a signed letter from the Prime Minister commending her inspirational work helping others.
The 40-year-old has been fighting a rare form of the leukaemia since her diagnosis in 2009 but, despite her pain and suffering she has dedicated the last three and-half years to supporting those who are seriously ill or terminally ill via the Great Aycliffe Cancer Support Group (GACSG).
In a personal letter to Allison, Prime Minister Theresa May said:
“Through the ‘Great Aycliffe Cancer Support Group’, you are providing a valuable network for your people in your community and providing assistance when they are at their most vulnerable. You should be proud of the fundraising you have undertaken to help people with the illness and your commendable work to ensure that they do not face cancer alone.”
Allison said:
“To receive this award is amazing, thank you to our Prime Minister for choosing me. The last few months have been very tough – not only did I lose my mam but she was also my best friend she would of been so proud. She got me through all these years so I pay tribute to my mam, Barbara. Thank you to everyone else who has helped me over the years, my dad, sister and family and members of ‘the Great Aycliffe Cancer Support Group’. I run this group so other cancer patients don’t have to go through what I did but it’s still exciting to win an award to be recognised for what I have achieved.”
If anyone would like to donate or take part in any fundraising events please contact Allison on 07762258696 or Sharon (Secretary) 07944187877, or for more information go onto their website www.greataycliffecancersupport group.co.uk