This year sees the 40th anniversary of the introduction of the Newtonian Bus Service in Newton Aycliffe. Aycliffe and District Bus Preservation Society, (ADBPS), own one of the original buses that operated on this service.
ADBPS has recently moved into new premises at the Langton Business Centre on Aycliffe Business Park and have been awarded full accreditation as a museum by Arts Council England and it is the only museum in Newton Aycliffe.
To celebrate these events ADBPS are holding a Grand Opening of the museum on Saturday 20th August when the public will be invited to view, touch, smell and climb aboard some of their collection of seven vehicles, which date from 1940 to 1983. You can also view the workshop and see a bus that is under restoration. While you may wish to go along in your own car, ADBPS will be running a free shuttle service, on the Newtonian bus, from the town centre to the museum.
The first pick up will be from the bus stop opposite St. Clare’s Church at 10.00am and then every hour until 2.00pm. So, why not catch a ride and enjoy some nostalgia on a bus that used to serve our town.
ADBPS is a charity that is run entirely by unpaid volunteers. Admission to the museum is free but any donations will be gratefully accepted.
For further information about the museum, or if you wish to join the society you can leave a message:
Museum 01325 317234
Dave Clark, Chair, on 07799 647011;
Ian Wiggett, Secretary, on 07890 464864.