A great start to 2015 with our Annual General Meeting where members enjoyed a Fish and Chip Supper and then asked to vote for the President of Newton Aycliffe WI for next year, when we elected Lyn Swift. Our speaker for the evening was Tina Bickerdike from Durham County Federation who enlightened members how WI is moving forward as we celebrate 100 years. It was of interest to new members as to how WI is involved in a number of issues.
Newton Aycliffe WI thanks “Honest John” for his kind donation which was much appreciated and members were asked to look in their closets and cupboards to see if they had any clothing or bric-a-brac for Honest John’s stall to help others in the community.
Our next meeting will be held at St Clare’s Church Hall on Tuesday 10th February 7pm for 7.15 start. We welcome old and new members and for further information please contact Lyn on 314805.
Newton Aycliffe Women’s Institute