A lot has been happening at the Newton Aycliffe WI in recent months, visits to Wensleydale Cheese Factory at Hawes and another day trip to the Lake District.
At our July meeting our speaker was Steve Cooper, Great Aycliife Town Council, Environment Officer. He gave a slide show on what is around Newton Aycliffe, from woodlands, nature reserves to park areas. Steve spoke about war time, the Darlington & Stockton Railway Line and the Simpasture Line. He said there are number of friends groups always looking for volunteers to give a hand!
At the August meeting our president Lyn Swift demonstrated how to make a bookmark using cord and beads. We all went home with a finished bookmark, very proud, that we had learned yet another craft.Newton Aycliffe WI were privileged again to have the cake stall in the Federation marquee, at the last Great Aycliffe Show. We sold out by Sunday mid-day, thanks to all our ladies who made cakes etc and a big thank you to all who bought.
Three members of Newton Aycliffe WI placed entries in the Craft Section Exhibition at the show and each went home with smiles on their faces along with Certificates and Prizemoney! Well done ladies you must be very proud and you have also made our WI very proud.
Our meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7.15pm at St Clare’s Church Hall, and we look forward to greeting our members and always welcome new members. For further information please contact Lyn on 01325 314805.