Dear Sir,
A letter published on 28th April 2023 speculated on the future of Newton Aycliffe Police base.
As the person responsible for the Police Estate, I can confirm that a 10 year lease will end in December this year. As the Fire Service indicated they need the existing office space for operational purposes, plans are already in train regarding a new location.
As someone who previously worked in the old Central Avenue Police Station, I recognise the importance of having a local, accessible and visible police station, it’s what the public tell me they want. So, ideally, I would like to relocate to a premise that is at the heart of the community, where policing belongs. This will benefit both local residents and businesses. We are currently actively looking for an alternative site to occupy.
As soon as a decision has been reached, I will of course inform all those who live and work in Newton Aycliffe, including the Town Council.
Joy Allen
Police and Crime Commissioner
Newton Aycliffe Police Base