We have very exciting news – on 18th February we are launching a Beginners Group in Newton Aycliffe! Let me introduce you to Jules who will be your Aycliffe Leader:
“Hi! I’m Jules! I joined a Sisters Beginner Group a couple of years ago then went on to assist with the group as I absolutely loved helping the ladies feel at ease and confident! I loved it so much I decided to take the Run Leader course and went on to lead groups myself. I then decided due to childcare etc that I needed to take time out but I missed the Sisters Groups so much.”
“I remember how rewarding it was to inspire a group to run and I felt very proud that I could help ladies accomplish such a big goal that so many think they’ll never be able to do. The best bit was the fun we always had along the way and it’s for this reason I’ve now decided to rejoin the Sisters as a Leader in Aycliffe.”
“Why did I want to lead for Sisters when I could have set up on my own? The Sisters programme is unique, we have amazing resources, support groups and loads of benefits that I want my group to be part of – I also love the community feel being part of Sisters creates! So, I’m back and can’t wait to launch my first official Sisters Beginners session in February. See you there!”
Here is the link to the Aycliffe Beginners group, please share and help spread the word https://www.facebook.com/events/1752343818203904
Newton Aycliffe Beginners Launch