On Saturday 18th May the Darlington Marie Curie Fundraising Group, DMCFG, were invited to run a raffle at Newton Aycliffe Newcastle Supporters ‘annual bash’. Pat Irving and Leigh Taylor, from the group, were warmly welcomed by Roger Howe to the Navy Club where they set themselves up for a fantastic night of fundraising. Not only did the eighty or so attendees buy hundreds of tickets they also donated most of the prizes! The total raised was £250, which is roughly the cost of twelve and a half hours of Marie Curie nursing care.
Pat and Leigh, on behalf of the DMCFG, would like to thank all the supporters and the team at the Navy Club for their generosity.
The Newton Aycliffe Newcastle Supporters Group organise a bus for their supporters to attend every home game and about thirty-five supporters, from eight to eighty years of age, regularly attend. After the last game of the season Paula Barry, the treasurer who takes care of the proceeds, decides which charity to benefit from our fundraising. The charities we choose are done so due to personal reasons for our members. Paula and Roger have been running the bus for about 15 years and in this time they have all become close friends.
If you’d like to join our Darlington Marie Curie Fundraising Group ‘volunteers team’ to offer a few hours volunteering a year or to join our monthly committee meetings please contact Carly Searle for a chat on 07810 417863
Newcastle Supporters Club ‘Annual Bash’