Woodham Academy and Woodham Sports Academy extend a warm welcome this year to Charlotte Reilly-O’Donnell and Thomas Jonathon Taylor. They have joined as enthusiastic teacher trainees from Schools Direct as part of the graduate teacher programme.
Charlotte graduated in 2011 from Loughborough where she studied Sports Science. A former pupil at St. Leonard’s School in Durham, she is a talented sportsperson, having rowed for Durham City Amateur Rowing Club. Charlotte also tried out as a potential British Junior Rowing Team member, with the opportunity to represent Great Britain at international level.
Thomas is a keen cricketer, playing for Chester-le-Street. Since his graduation from Sheffield Hallam University in 2012, he has gained a wealth of experience at Camp America, coaching groups of youngsters in a range of disciplines including paintball, soccer, and watersports. Prior to this, Thomas spent a period of time in the Maldives coaching football.
Both are keen to contribute to the broad range of sporting activities at Woodham. Charlotte is keen to establish rowing as a sport, as well as contributing to other sport activities including netball. Thomas is eager to help develop the prestigious American Football team, cricket, and to enhance the table tennis facility.
In addition, they will both be helping to develop the fast growing Skype Programme including Skype Olympics.
New Teachers Welcomed at Woodham