Newton Aycliffe Youth and Community Centre are pleased to announce they have succeeded in employing 2 new members of staff. This is through the hard work and dedication of the 2013-2014 treasurer Joan Clark and 2014-2015 treasurer Rebecca Metcalfe.
The centre employed 1 member of staff in 2011, and have added 1 new member each year and this year have managed to employ 2 taking the new total of employees to 6, all of whom started as volunteers or through Shaw Trust.
The centre now has 2 part time centre administrators, chef, children’s worker, Marketing/IT administrator and part time finance officer. Chairman Vince Crosby said “Our staff run the centre and it is great when we can reward our faithful volunteers with paid employment.
We hope to be able to continue to grow like this, enabling volunteers to enter paid employment either with us or elsewhere with our support.” We welcome aboard Dean Johnston and Rebecca Metcalfe.
New Staff at NAYCC