New research has revealed that nuisance and scam calls are still a problem for people in Durham with two out of three people who have signed up to the Telephone Preference Service, a service aimed at taking members of the public off nuisance caller registers, still receiving nuisance calls. The research by BBC One’s Watchdog suggests that nuisance and scam calls pose as big a threat as ever to people in Durham as it revealed that 58 per cent of people who have signed up to the service said it doesn’t work for them. Of those 58 per cent just 12 per cent have had call blocker systems installed in their homes, despite 83 per cent of those with call blockers saying the device had worked to eradicate unwanted calls. Kris Hicks, Head of Marketing for the UK’s best selling call blocker, CPR Call Blocker, said “Scam and nuisance callers are a persistent problem for people in the Durham area and it’s often the case that those most vulnerable are the ones who are targeted and fall victim to these telephone scams.” A survey by Which? in 2013 found that the Telephone Preference Service only cuts out around a third of nuisance calls. Such evidence suggests that even though many people have taken the first steps towards freeing themselves from such calls, they are still being harassed. Kris added: “With this in mind we created our newest product, the Shield, our most simplistic call-blocking device to date. It is pre-loaded with 2000 known nuisance callers and allows you to block a further 1500 unwanted callers at the touch of a button. “We believe our new Shield model is the perfect solution for anyone looking to be able to instantly block scam callers with the touch of just one button. Its modern and sleek design also means that it won’t look out of place in anyone’s home and acts as a perfect present for someone being bugged by unwanted calls this Christmas.” In a recent survey, carried out by CPR Call Blocker, it was found that the most common types of scams were, virus hoax calls, PPI refunds, prize scams, bank account problems and noise rebates. CPR Call Blocker is the number one call blocker brand worldwide. It is available on Amazon and at www. For more information call 0800 652 7780 or visit www.
New Research Shows Nuisance Calls in Durham as Bad as Ever