Dear Sir,
I was pleased to see the layby put in at Simpasture Shops, as it was becoming ridiculous the way drivers were parking, and at times it was almost impossible to negotiate a way through.
Since the installation of the layby on most days it is being used, however I noticed the other day that no vehicles were parked in the layby, but alongside it on the road, still causing congestion. Vehicles were also still parking on the pavement outside the houses between the shops and the nursery.
The reason I feel that some drivers are not using the layby is because its surface is not level with the road, but has a high ramp and drivers don’t want to drive into it for fear of damaging their vehicles. Why was the layby built like this and not at road level?
Alan Hindmarch
EDITOR: We attempted to get a technical answer to this reader’s question from County Hall, without success.
New Layby Ignored