Dear Sir,
By the time this week’s edition goes out there will be less than one week till polling day in the Simpasture by-election. Firstly, a huge thank you to everyone on the doors who have said they’ll be supporting me with their vote, it’s massively appreciated. You’re the reason I want to do this, I want to help you and our town move forward and bring the energy that is needed to the town council. If elected, I won’t be an unseen councillor, I will be on the doors regularly and getting into the thick of it with the issues that matter to you.
Secondly, I’d like to thank the volunteers who have supported me throughout the campaign. From sharing posts on Facebook, leafleting, to coming out door knocking with me. I couldn’t do any of this if I was on my own and no matter how small a role you’ve played, I am grateful.
Lastly, I’d like to say thank you to my opposition. It’s a herculean task finding support and getting out there, but it’s made all the more easier by having an opponent who has been nothing short of respectful and decent throughout. Good luck and I look forward to working with you in the very near future.
On December 9th I hope to have done enough to earn your support. A vote for me is a vote for new enthusiasm and new energy. I have the skillset and the drive to push our town forward, together we can achieve a great deal for Newton Aycliffe.
Kind regards,
Simon Hocking
Labour candidate for Simpasture Ward