New Mayor Barbara Clare presents retiring Mayor Val Raw with a memento of her year in office.
A new Mayor was selected at the first meeting of Great Aycliffe Town Council last Wednesday. Councillor Val Raw handed over the Chairmanship and the chain of office to Barbara Clare who said it was a great honour and she will do her utmost to serve the town with dignity.
Councillor Clare announced her chosen charities during her year of office as the Food Bank at St. Clare’s Church and James Cook Hospital Heart Department which saves many lives including her own three years ago.
Counc. Wendy Hillary was elected as Deputy Mayor ensuring the post of Mayor is held by a woman for six consecutive years.
Counc. Bob Fleming proposed a Vote of Thanks to outgoing Mayor Val Raw and praised her work in representing the town, locally and in the region. “This is Val’s second term as Mayor and reports received indicate she has done a fine job” said Bob.
With 26 Labour Councillors out of 30 members on the Council it was an easy job carving up committee jobs this year. The controlling group could afford to be generous and handed out committee places liberally to the four opposition members.
The Leader and Deputy Leader was announced as Bob Fleming and John Clare. A number of Councillors are invited to join committees of town organisations and it was announced that more are available to serve if required. Contact the Town Clerk on 300700.
Wendy Hillary and New Mayor Barbara Clare