Friday 25th September saw the official handover of command of 102 Battalion REME from Lieutenant Colonel Andy Black to Lieutenant Colonel Nick Moore MBE REME in Newton Aycliffe.
A busy programme saw the two Commanding Officers visiting the Battalion on the Annual Deployment Exercise in Sennelager and touring the four company locations at Newton Aycliffe, Walker, Rotherham and Scunthorpe. The handover was officially completed with a small ceremony in the Army Reserve Centre, off Northfield Way, Newton Ayclffe at 12 pm.
Officers and soldiers of the Battalion gathered to say farewell to Lieutenant Colonel Black, who moves a little further down the road to become the officer responsible for Military/Civil engagement across the region. During his time in command, 102 Battalion REME undertook restructuring following the review of the Reserve Army, deployed officers and soldiers in support of the Regular Army to Afghanistan as part of Operation HERRICK and developed a number of residential courses in support of unemployed youth from across the NE and Yorkshire.
Lieutenant Colonel Black said, “I have enjoyed my time as Commanding Officer of 102 Battalion REME immensely. The Battalion has undergone a challenging period of change and come through it as a more professional and resilient unit. It has been a memorable two and a half years and I consider myself privileged to have commanded ‘The Northern Craftsmen’.”
As a Chartered Engineer with the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, Lieutenant Colonel Nick Moore is well placed to lead the Battalion forward as the REME Reserve increases its capability and engineering support to the Regular Army. Lieutenant Colonel Moore has seen service in a variety of operational theatres, including Iraq and Afghanistan. With a 24 year military background in aeromechanical systems engineering he has held a variety of key engineering appointments, including that of Senior Aircraft Engineer during Operation HERRICK and most recently as Chief Air Engineer and Continuing Airworthiness Manager for the Gazelle, Defender and Islander aircraft.
With regards to his new appointment, Lieutenant Colonel Moore said,
“I am looking forward to commanding 102 Battalion REME and engaging with the community from which my officers and soldiers are recruited. Our Companies are perfectly placed in the heart of industry across the region and I welcome the opportunity to engage with industry and businesses alike.”
In his spare time he enjoys sports cycling, which will be welcome news to the Battalion’s enthusiastic cycle squad who recently completed a 1000 mile cycle challenge from Lands End to John O’Groats raising £4,900 for the Make a Wish foundation.
If you would like to become a member of “The Northern Craftsmen” then we would like to hear from you. Drill Nights take place every Tuesday evening between 7:30 and 9:30 pm. Why not pay us a visit and find out whether you have what it takes to be part of our team of vocational and semi-vocational craftsmen.
New C.O. for Aycliffe R.E.M.E. Reserve Unit